Online Conference Paper Management System

Conference List

Current Conferences

AAS2024 Acoustics 2024: Acoustics in the Sun

Past Conferences

IFFTI2008 10th Annual Conference of International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes
UHPH-2012 11th Australasian Urban History/Planning History Conference 2012
IWRN12 12th International Workshop on Railway Noise
AASA2011 2011 International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia (AASA)
IDEAJ 2012 IDEA Journal
ICA2010 20th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2010
21STASENZ 21st Biennial Conference, Acoustical Society of New Zealand
SAHANZ07 24th International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ), Adelaide 2007
SAHANZ2011 28th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ), Brisbane 2011
SAHANZ-2012 29th Annual SAHANZ Conference, 2012
ANZASCA2009 43rd Annual Architectural Science Association -- ANZAScA 2009
AAS2013 AAS2013 Victor Harbor - Science, Technology and Amenity
ANZASCA2010 ANZASCA2010 44th Conference of the Australia and NZ Architectural Science Association
ANZASCA2011 ANZAScA 2011: the 45th. Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Architectural Science Association
ASNZ2018 ASNZ Conference 2018, Auckland - Making the Building Boom Quiet
AAS2005 Acoustics 2005: Acoustics in a Changing Environment
AASNZ2006 Acoustics 2006: Noise of Progress
AAS2009 Acoustics 2009: Research to Consulting
ACOUSTICS2011 Acoustics 2011 - Breaking New Ground - The 2011 Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society
AAS2012 Acoustics 2012 Fremantle: Acoustics, Development and the Environment
AAS2015 Acoustics 2015 - Hunter Valley
AAS2017 Acoustics 2017 Perth: Sound, Science and Society
AAS2018 Acoustics 2018: Hear to Listen
AAS2019 Acoustics 2019 - Sound Decisions: Moving forward with Acoustics
ACOUSTICS2021 Acoustics 2021 Wollongong: Making Waves
AAS2008 Acoustics and Sustainability: Australian Acoustics Society National Conference Geelong, Victoria, Australia
ASNZ2014 Acoustics in a Rebuilding City
SAHANZ-2015 Architecture, Institutions and Change: The 32nd Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ)
SAHANZ2006 Contested Terrains
CRITIQUE2013 Critique 2013: An International conference reflecting on creative practice in art, architecture, and design
CTL2011 Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East -intersections of transdisciplinary practice and understanding
SAHANZ2009 Cultural Crossroads: The 26th Annual SAHANZ Conference
DRAWINGOUT DRAWING OUT 2010: International Transdisciplinary Conference on Drawing
AASA2013 Designing/Education, 7th International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia
DRAWINGOUT2012 Drawing Out 2012.
ICSV14 Fourteenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration
SAHANZ2016 GOLD: The 33rd Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, Melbourne, 2016
SAHANZ2008 History in Practice: The 25th International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ), Geelong 2008
IDEA-2012 IDEA 2012 Symposium: The Interior: a state of Becoming
ISMA2010 International Symposium on Music Acoustics
KINGPOWER2007 King Power - Designing Masculinities Symposium
MOUSHARAKA Mousharaka: Design Week Qatar
NEWVIEWS2 New Views 2
SAHANZ-2013 OPEN: The 30th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, Gold Coast, 2013
SAHANZ-2014 TRANSLATION: The 31st Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ), Auckland, 2014
ACOUSTICS2016 The 2nd Australasian Acoustical Societies Conference
SAHANZ2017 The 34th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, Canberra, 2017
ASA2012 The 46th Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association (formerly ANZAScA) - Building on Knowledge: Theory and Practice. 14th - 16th November 2012
INTERNOISE2014 inter.noise 2014

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October 5, 2024, 12:01 am (UTC+8 hours)